When you use our website (the "Website") or go to a site that makes use of our advertising technology, this policy (together with our terms and conditions of use as outlined on Reformli’s Terms and Conditions page) will be in effect. This policy outlines the legal basis on which we will treat any personal information you provide us or that we get from you. For further information on our policies and procedures surrounding your personal data and how we will handle it, please read the following carefully.

Links to third-party websites, plug-ins, and programmes may be found on this website. It's possible for third parties to gather or share information about you if you click on those links or enable those connections. These third-party websites are not under our control, and their privacy policies are not our responsibility. We advise reading the privacy policies of any website you visit after leaving ours.

Information we have about you

Any information that may be used to identify an individual is referred to as personal data or personal information. It excludes information in which the identity has been obscured (anonymous data).
We may collect, use, store, and transmit many types of personal data, including:

1. Information you provide to us –You may provide information about yourself to us by completing forms on the website or by contacting us via phone, email, or other means. This includes details you give us when you sign up to use the website, place an order through our website, give us information necessary for a specific product, engage in social media activities on our website, participate in discussion boards, enter contests, promotions, or surveys, or when you report a problem with our website. In addition to the name, date of birth, age, gender, and address of the book recipient, the information you provide us may also contain your name, billing address, delivery address, email address, phone number, age, date of birth, and gender. Any information you supply to us may be used alone or in combination with other information, at our discretion.

2. Data we gather about you and your device – When you use the website, we may automatically gather the following data:

a. technical data, such as the Internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the Internet, your login details, the kind and version of your browser, the time zone you are in, the types and versions of your browser plug-ins, and the operating system and platform;

b. information about your visit, such as the full Uniform Resource Locators (URL) clickstream to, through, and from our site (including date and time); the products you viewed, purchased, or searched for; page response times, download errors, number of visits to specific pages over time; information about how you scrolled, clicked, and moved around on specific pages; and any phone number you used to call our customer service number.

3. Data we get about you from advertisements – On occasion, we may put adverts on websites run by other parties (such as YouTube). We and our partners may use different technologies (like cookies) to collect and store information about you when you see or otherwise engage with our advertisements. This information may include cookie data and anonymized IDs for attribution and advertising reasons. These technologies are used by us to better understand our consumers and the efficacy of our advertising.

4. Information we obtain from other sources - If you use any of the other websites we run or the other services we provide, we could get information about you. We also collaborate closely with other parties (such as partners in business, vendors providing technical, payment, and delivery services, ad networks, analytics providers, search information providers, and credit reference agencies), and we may get information about you from them.

5. Location Data - We may also gather data about your location, such as the IP Address of the computer or other device you use to access our website.

6. Marketing and communications - Your choices for getting marketing from us and for communication are among the data we collect.

7. We don't gather any of your financial data. Third-party payment processors are in charge of gathering and storing this.


In cases where we are required by law or by the terms of a contract we have with you to collect personal data, and you refuse to supply that data when asked, we may not be able to carry out the contract we currently have with you or are attempting to enter into with you (for example, where you do not provide suitable delivery instructions to provide you with goods or services). In this situation, we may need to terminate a product or service you have with us, but we'll let you know right away if that's the case.

How We Gather Your Personal Information

We get information from and about you through a variety of means, including via;

Direct communicationYou may provide us with your identity, contact information, technical information, and financial information by filling out forms or contacting us by mail, phone, email, or another method. This includes any private information you provide when you:

  • applying for our products or services;

  • creating an account on our website or using the live chat feature on our website;

  • subscribing to our service or publications;

  • calling us and leaving a message or requesting a callback;

  • participating in a competition, promotion, or survey;

  • responding to marketing posts on our social media pages (including but not limited to our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages); or

  • giving us feedback.

Technology or encounters that are automated. We may automatically gather Technical Data about your device, browsing activities, and habits when you engage with our website. Cookies, server logs, and other similar technologies are used by us to gather this personal data. If you visit other websites that use our cookies, we could also learn technical information about you. For more information, please check our cookie policy at the bottom of this page.

Third parties or publicly available sources. We may receive personal data about you from various third parties as set out below:

1. Profile information, use information, marketing and communication information, and aggregate information from the parties listed;

  • outside the EU-based analytics companies like Google;

  • advertising networks;

  • search information providers;

  • outside technical, payment, and delivery service providers; and

  • from publicly accessible sources.


We make the following uses of the information we have about you:

1. to enable us to provide you our books and associated services.

a. Legal Foundation: Fulfillment of a Contract with You

2. to enable your participation in interactive Website elements when you desire to;

a. Legal Foundation - Your Interaction with Our Website Is in Your Legitimate Interest

3. to hold promotions and contests;

a. Legal Basis: Execution of an agreement with you to carry out the marketing and conduct the contest/prize

4. to get in touch with you about the goods and services you have requested;

a. Legal Basis: Fulfilling obligations under a contract with you to provide a product or service

5. to let you know when our website, goods, or services change;

a. Legal Foundation: The Customers' Legitimate Interest in Being Updated on Changes

6. to make sure the website's information is shown for you and your machine in the best possible way;

a. Legal Basis: Legitimate Interests (to learn how clients use our products/services, to enhance what we have to offer them, to increase our customer base)

7. to run internal operations, such as troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, research, statistical analysis, and survey objectives as well as to run the website;

a. Legal Foundation - Justified Interests (for running our business, provision of administration and IT services, network security, to prevent fraud and in the context of a business reorganisation or group restructuring exercise).

8. to offer relevant advertising to you and others, and to assess or comprehend the impact of the advertising we serve to you;

a. Legal Basis: Legitimate Interests (to improve our goods and services, learn how consumers use them, expand our company, and guide our marketing approach)

9. Use data analytics to enhance our website, goods and services, marketing, and interactions with customers.

a. Legal Foundation - Justified Interests (to define types of customers for our products and services, to keep our website updated and relevant, to develop our business and inform our marketing strategy)

10. To enable us to contact you with a reminder about our goods or services on dates that you've given us.

a. Legal Justification: Legitimate Interest in Fulfilling Customer Requests for Product and Service Updates

11. to enable us to offer you with further information, goods, or services you ask for from us or that we believe may be of interest to you, if you have given us permission to contact you for such reasons.

a. Legal Justification: Legitimate Interest in Fulfilling Customer Requests for Product and Service Updates

12. to reach out to you through email, online push notifications, mobile communication (such as text (SMS) and "push" notification), and postal mail; legitimate interests (to expand our company, enhance our offering to you, and develop our products/services) and fulfilment of a contract (ensuring product is delivered)


We work hard to provide you options when it comes to how your personal data is used, especially for marketing and advertising.

We won't send you commercial messages unless you specifically agreed to receive them at the time we collected your information, such as when you signed up for a newsletter or entered a contest even if you hadn't previously made a purchase from us. We will nonetheless need to send you service-related notifications from time to time if you get a service from us.

Before we disclose your personal information with any third party for marketing reasons, we will first get your explicit opt-in agreement. All third parties must adhere to the law and protect the security of your personal data, as required by us. We only let our third-party service providers to handle your personal data for those reasons and in line with our instructions. We do not authorise them to use your personal data for their own purposes.

There is a link at the bottom of every email we send you that allows you to opt out of receiving further communications from us.


All information you provide us is kept on our safe servers in the EU. Data may be transmitted to and kept at a location outside the European Economic Area where required and for a purpose for which you have given your agreement ("EEA"). Additionally, it could be handled by personnel working for us or one of our suppliers who are based outside the EEA. These employees may be responsible for completing your purchase, handling your payment information, and offering support services, among other things.

We will only share your personal information with third parties outside the EEA if doing so complies with local laws and regulations. For your knowledge, this also applies to situations in which;

1. You consent to this transmission, storage, or processing by providing your personal data. We will do all within our power to protect your data and handle it securely in compliance with this privacy statement.


Your information is only retained for as long as is required to provide the service or product you have requested or to accomplish the goal stated in this policy.

The quantity, nature, and sensitivity of the data, the risk of harm from unauthorised use or disclosure, the purposes for which we process the data, including whether those purposes can be met without the use of the data, and the applicable legal requirements are all taken into account when determining the appropriate retention period for personal data. For instance, we will preserve information on your orders for as long as necessary to meet legal and regulatory requirements. In general, unless the legislation specifies a longer duration, this is 7 years.

In rare cases, we may anonymize your personal information (making it impossible to link it back to you) for research or statistical reasons, in which case we may continue to use this data indefinitely without further informing you.


We have put in place the necessary security measures to guard against the unintentional loss, alteration, disclosure, or use of your personal information. Additionally, we only allow employees, agents, contractors, and other third parties that have a business need to know access to your personal information. They have a confidentiality obligation and will only act in accordance with our instructions while processing your personal data. When we are legally obligated to do so, we will inform you and any relevant regulator of a breach and will have processes in place to deal with any suspected personal data breach.


You may have rights under the GDPR with regard to your personal data in some situations. You're entitled to;

1. Make a "data subject access request" (also known as a request for access to your personal data). This gives you the chance to request a copy of the personal information we currently have on file for you and confirm its accuracy.

2. Request that the personal information we have on you be corrected. This gives you the opportunity to change any incomplete or erroneous data we may have about you, albeit we may need to confirm the veracity of any updated information you offer.

3. Request that your personal data be deleted. This gives you the option to request that we delete or remove personal data when there is no compelling reason for us to do so, such as when you feel that we no longer need it for the reasons we originally collected it as described to you in this Privacy Policy, when you have revoked your consent to our use of it and we have relied on that consent in accordance with this Policy, or when you feel that we cannot demonstrate a "legitimate interest" in continuing to process it. Additionally, you have the right to request that we destroy your personal data in cases where you have successfully exercised your right to object to processing (see below), in which we may have handled your data improperly, or in which we are compelled to do so by local law. However, please be aware that there are certain circumstances in which we may not always be able to honour your request for erasure. If this is the case, we will let you know at the time of your request.

4. You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data in cases where we (or a third party) are relying on a legitimate interest, and there is something about your situation that makes you want to object to the processing on this ground because you feel it affects your fundamental rights and freedoms. In cases where we are using your personal data for direct marketing, you also have the right to object. In rare circumstances, we may be able to show that our legitimate processing needs outweigh your rights and freedoms.

5. Request a limitation on how your personal data is processed. This gives you the option to request that we stop processing your personal data in the following circumstances:

  • if you want us to verify the data's accuracy;

  • if our use of the data is illegal but you don't want us to delete it;

  • if you need us to keep the data even if we no longer need it because you need it to make, exercise, or defend legal claims; or

  • if you object to our use of your data but we need to make sure we have compelling reasons to keep using it despite your objection.

6. Request that your personal data be transferred to you or another party. Your personal information will be sent to you, or a specified third party, in a structured, generally accepted, machine-readable manner. Keep in mind that this privilege only applies to automated information that we utilised with your prior agreement or to carry out a contract with you.

7. You may revoke your permission at any moment if we are using it to handle your personal data. However, the processing that was done before you withdrew your permission will still be legal.

8. No money is required to view your personal information (or to exercise any of the other rights). However, if your request is obviously baseless, repeated, or unreasonable, we may impose a fair price. In some situations, we may also decline to abide with your request.

9. To verify your identity and secure your right to access your personal data, we may need to ask you for certain information (or to exercise any of your other rights). This is a security safeguard to make sure that personal information is not given to someone who shouldn't have access to it. In order to respond to your request more quickly, we could possibly get in touch with you and ask you for further details.

10. We make an effort to reply to all valid inquiries within a month. Occasionally, if your request is exceptionally complicated or you have made many requests, it can take us more than a month. In this scenario, we'll let you know and keep you informed.

Additionally, you may at any time make use of your rights by emailing us at


Cookies are used on our website to separate you from other visitors. This enables us to make improvements to our website while also ensuring that you have a positive browsing experience. You consent to our usage of cookies if you keep using the Website to browse. If you accept, we will place a little text file called a cookie on your computer's hard drive or in your browser. Cookies have data in them that is stored on the hard disc of your computer. We use the following cookies:

Please be aware that we have no control over the use of cookies by third parties, such as advertising networks and companies that provide external services like online traffic analysis services. These cookies are probably targeted cookies or analytical/performance cookies.

By turning on the browser option that enables you to deny the setting of all or specific cookies, you may prevent cookies. However, you may not be able to access all or portions of our site if you modify your browser's settings to reject all cookies (including necessary cookies).

All cookies, except those that are absolutely necessary, will expire after a maximum of twelve months.


This privacy statement is subject to modification at any moment and for any reason. Any future modifications to our privacy statement will be communicated to you by publishing a new version of the statement on this website with a new revision date and, if relevant, via email. Following notice of any changes to this policy, your continuing use of or access to our services will be deemed your acceptance of such changes.


To contact us with questions or complaints about our privacy statement, send an email to