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10 Tales of Perseverance (Fiction)


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PI Perserverance Book (complete)  By Reformli Personalised Books
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PI Perserverance Book (complete)  By Reformli Personalised Books
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10 Tales of Perseverance (Fiction)

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’10 Tales of Perseverance’ is a personalized book series designed to nurture perseverance and a host of other vital skills in your child. Each of the ten uniquely written stories features your child as the main character who navigates through challenges and learns the value of persistence. The tales highlight key attributes such as resilience, determination, and creative problem-solving. This exclusive reading experience is customized to resonate with your child’s personal interests and strengths. To begin this journey of steadfast determination, click 'Create Now'. Share insights into your child's behaviour and attitudes, and allow our expert writers to craft a narrative tha ...

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£ 129.99 £43.99

This package comes with a 70 page paperback book, *UNIQUELY WRITTEN* for your child by our team of expert authors. It also includes a personalized book title, dedication, and book breakdown.

"10 Tales of Perseverance" is a personalized fiction book featuring ten unique stories designed to inspire your child's journey in developing perseverance. Each story stars your child as the main character, navigating challenges that teach valuable lessons in resilience and determination. In these personalized adventures, your child might conquer a daunting mountain climb that symbolizes overcoming obstacles, or embark on a quest to unlock their inner strength in a magical realm. Through these immersive experiences, they'll learn first hand the importance of perseverance and the rewards of never giving up. "10 Tales of Perseverance" is more than a book—it's a personalized guide that empowers your child to embrace challenges, learn from setbacks, and discover their own path to success.

Our books are uniquely written for each child, focusing on their interests, strengths, and goals to inspire the development of key life skills. Unlike companies that emphasize images and basic stories, we prioritize depth and personalized text, designed to help the child develop life skills through reading. Parents can choose the outcomes and focus areas of their books to make them more tailored to their child—advantages not found elsewhere.

For children and teens aged 7 to 16, this book focuses on helping your child develop perseverance.

"Strive for excellence, create change, or chase your dreams—it begins with you."

- Reformli

Expert Authors

Our writers cover all genres, from nonfiction to fantasy. To assure quality, we select only the best writers based on submissions to our publishing staff; this lets us analyse their writing style and topic knowledge, guaranteeing your book is of the highest quality.

Completely personalised

Our books are all one-of-a-kind and unique. The content that we write is based on the information provided by you as well as the input from our writers, ensuring that your book is only written once and personalised around you.

Unique Insight

Our books are comprehensive studies of you. Reformli delivers your answers to authors who discuss them, develop a client case study, and write a 90–160-page book, making our books the most unique and useful gifts available to anyone.


Frequently asked questions

Yes, each book is written only once and is uniquely based on the answers you provided in the questionnaire.

Your book will be written by one of our vetted authoring teams. Once it has been dispatched you will receive an email informing you of which author is working on your book alongside his/her details.

We aim to have all our books written and delivered within 14-21 days. However, we will keep you updated on your books journey via email.

Yes, nothing is more more unique than a completely personalised book that helps the recipient solve problems and achieve goals.